Sandro Mezzadra är en av Italiens ledande politiska tänkare. Han undervisar i politisk teori vid Università di Bologna och är ansluten till Institute for Culture and Society vid Western Sydney University.
Hans forskning rör sig i skärningspunkterna mellan marxistisk, feministisk och postkolonial teori, med särskilt fokus på gränsregimer, extraktion, logistik, migration och spänningar mellan kapitalismens globala och lokala dimensioner. Han har varit särskilt aktiv i debatterna om ”post-workerism” och är en av grundarnna till mediakollektivet Euronomade. Mezzadra har i flera årtionden varit aktiv i olika sociala rörelser, på senare år exempelvis sjöräddningsprojektet Mare Jonio och dess politiska plattform Operation Mediterranean.
Sandro Mezzadra is one of Italy’s leading political thinkers. He teaches political theory at the University of Bologna and is an adjunct fellow at the Institute for Culture and Society at Western Sydney University.
His research concerns the intersections of Marxist, feminist and
postcolonial theory, focusing on border regimes, extraction, logistics, migration, as well as tensions between the global and local dimensions of capitalism. He has been particularly active in the ”post-workerist” debates, being one of the founders of the media collective Euronomade. Mezzadra has a decades-long history of involvement with social movements, in recent years for example the sea rescue initiative Mare Jonio as well as its political platform, Operation Mediterranenan.
Sandro Mezzadra’s books include Diritto di fuga. Migrazioni, cittadinanza, globalizzazione (2006), La condizione postcoloniale. Storia e politica nel presente globale (2008), Nei cantieri marxiani. Il soggetto e la sua produzione (2014; English edition In the Marxian Workshops, 2018) and Un mondo da guadagnare. Per una teoria politica del presente (2020). With Brett Neilson he is the author of Border as Method, or, the Multiplication of Labor (Duke University Press, 2013) and The Politics of Operations. Excavating Contemporary Capitalism (Duke University Press, 2019).
Brand is an anarchist journal founded by the socialist youth movement in Sweden in 1898. For more information, go to