Based on his book, Despertar del sueño tecnológico, Ekaitz Cancela proposes to analyse how the digitization of a financialized economy has been presented as a false solution to the organic crisis of the capitalist system. But there is still a glimmer of hope if we manage to socialize the economic and cultural resources of the 21st century, the data, and the infrastructures they have created.
Based on her several articles on digital capitalism, Marga Ferré, Co-President of transform! europe, disputes the concept of the future. We know that every technological revolution produces changes in the mode of production and, therefore, in labor and the social structure, but what we are experiencing exceeds what we know due to its size and speed.
In this sense, what impact does technology have on the working class, which today is intensely feminine and migrant? To what extent is primitive accumulation associated with a digitalization that not only to contributes to the further insecurity of precarious workers but also to a new wave of precarization of the middle classes? What opportunities emerge from these upheavals for the feminist, anti-racist and indigenous movements in their struggle against exploitation, oppression, and new forms of colonialism?
The presentation will be followed by a discussion between the presenters and activists from Gigwatch.