Accumulation because we do not trust humanity

Accumulation because we do not trust humanity

Carlos Filipe Da Silva CostaSandler

Through the prism of the "prisoner dilemma,"  we try to describe "some" difficulties in establishing a communist society. This dilemma, in the field of economy, is a way to make real-world predictions based on information about each person’s incentives. It helped economists understand how self-improving individuals could lead to self-harming crowds, but it was usually focused on the best market choice. Here we retain the more global impact,  a "self-harming crowd" with its personal accumulation. 

Carlos Filipe Da Silva Costa
Carlos Filipe Da Silva Costa holds a Ph.D. in Physics & a Master in Strategic Protection of the Country’s System. Presently in a professional transition, doing research independently and in parallel volunteering at Accord University, a UNA. Bloco de Esquerda (Left Block Portugal) militant and ecologic activist. He recently presented the "Swiss vs. Portugal SDGs" at the Sustainathon 2022, and wrote: "A war where the machine decides who to kill": and "Meanwhile, killer Robots are entering battlefields all around the globe…", Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung (Being published).
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